Djinn - Volume 2 - The 30 Bells by Jean Dufaux

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Title: Djinn - Volume 2 - The 30 Bells

Author: Jean Dufaux

Djinn - Volume 2 - The 30 Bells

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Synopsis: Two women, in two different times, and for two very different reasons, choose to be initiated into the harem. One is the harem of the Black Sultan in 20th century Istanbul, dominated by the captivating Jade. The other is the only remaining one of its kind, an echo of a bygone era, hidden away in the middle of the Turkish desert, far from prying eyes. Both women must carry out certain rites of passage before they can truly attain the heart of the harem. Both women are doing it for Jade. Plots and manipulation abound within those dark and sensual spaces behind the walls of the harem...
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