Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things, and Organizations are Changing the Rules of Business by Malcolm Frank
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Title: Code Halos: How the Digital Lives of People, Things, and Organizations are Changing the Rules of Business
Author: Malcolm Frank

Synopsis: Harness Code Halos to gain competitive advantage in thedigital eraExamines the explosion of digital information that nowsurrounds us and describes the profound impact this is having onindividuals, corporations, and societies;Shows how the Crossroads Model can help anticipate and navigatethis market shift;Provides examples of traditional firms already harnessing thepower of Code Halos including GE's Brilliant Machines, Disney'stheme park Magic Band, and Allstate's mobile devices andanalytics that transform auto insurance.With reasoned insight, new data, real-world cases, and practicalguidance, Code Halos shows seasoned executives,entrepreneurs, students, line-of-business owners, and technologyleaders how to master the new rules of the Code Halo economy.Amazon beating Borders, Netflix beating Blockbuster, Applebeating Kodak, and the rise of companies like Google, LinkedIn, andPandora are not isolated or random events. Today's outliers inrevenue growth and value creation are winning with a new set ofrules. They are dominating by managing the information thatsurrounds people, organizations, processes, and products—whatauthors Malcolm Frank, Paul Roehrig, and Ben Pring call Code Halos.This is far beyond “Big Data” and analytics. Code Halosspark new commercial models that can dramatically flip marketdominance from industry stalwarts to challengers. In this new book,the authors show leaders how digital innovators and traditionalcompanies can build Code Halo solutions to drive success. Thebook: