Acupuncture for Pain Management by Yuan-Chi Lin

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Title: Acupuncture for Pain Management

Author: Yuan-Chi Lin

Acupuncture for Pain Management

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Synopsis: Each individual meridian discussed in detailAcupuncture for 25 clinical conditions, including headache, menstrual pain, low back pain, insomnia, and moreAimed at acupuncturists as well as practitioners who want to add acupuncture to their clinical armamentarium Acupuncture for Pain Management is intended as the premier resource for learning the fundamentals of the art of medical acupuncture. Edited by top pain medicine specialists at Harvard and UCLA, and based on their popular annual workshop at the American Society for Anesthesiologists, the book is the perfect synthesis of Western and Chinese medicine. Anesthesiologists, pain medicine specialists, primary care physicians, osteopaths, neurologists, psychiatrists, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, and other health professionals looking to add acupuncture to their repertoire will benefit from the concise and practical approach of the book. Features:
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