Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing by Prakhar Prasad

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Title: Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing

Author: Prakhar Prasad

Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing

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Synopsis: Master the art of conducting modern pen testing attacks and techniques on your web application before the hacker does!About This BookThis book covers the latest technologies such as Advance XSS, XSRF, SQL Injection, Web API testing, XML attack vectors, OAuth 2.0 Security, and more involved in today's web applicationsPenetrate and secure your web application using various techniquesGet this comprehensive reference guide that provides advanced tricks and tools of the trade for seasoned penetration testersWho This Book Is ForWhat You Will LearnGet to know the new and less-publicized techniques such PHP Object Injection and XML-based vectorsWork with different security tools to automate most of the redundant tasksSee different kinds of newly-designed security headers and how they help to provide securityExploit and detect different kinds of XSS vulnerabilitiesProtect your web application using filtering mechanismsUnderstand old school and classic web hacking in depth using SQL Injection, XSS, and CSRFGrasp XML-related vulnerabilities and attack vectors such as XXE and DoS techniquesGet to know how to test REST APIs to discover security issues in themIn DetailStyle and approach This book is for security professionals and penetration testers who want to speed up their modern web application penetrating testing. It will also benefit those at an intermediate level and web developers who need to be aware of the latest application hacking techniques. Web penetration testing is a growing, fast-moving, and absolutely critical field in information security. This book executes modern web application attacks and utilises cutting-edge hacking techniques with an enhanced knowledge of web application security. We will cover web hacking techniques so you can explore the attack vectors during penetration tests. The book encompasses the latest technologies such as OAuth 2.0, Web API testing methodologies and XML vectors used by hackers. Some lesser discussed attack vectors such as RPO (relative path overwrite), DOM clobbering, PHP Object Injection and etc. has been covered in this book. We'll explain various old school techniques in depth such as XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection through the ever-dependable SQLMap and reconnaissance.
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