Won by Love: Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade, Speaks Out for the Unborn as She Shares Her New Conviction for Life by Thomas Nelson

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Title: Won by Love: Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade, Speaks Out for the Unborn as She Shares Her New Conviction for Life

Author: Thomas Nelson

Won by Love: Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe vs. Wade, Speaks Out for the Unborn as She Shares Her New Conviction for Life

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Synopsis: In Roe v. Wade, perhaps the most controversial United States Supreme Court decision, Norma McCorvey fought for and won the right to secure an abortion. Though she never had an abortion, under the pseudonym Jane Roe, Norma reluctantly became the poster child for the pro-choice movement. Over the next two decades, Norma experienced the grief and despair of millions of women who chose to abort their babies; she witnessed the destruction of thousands of human lives in abortion clinics where she worked; and the champion of the pro-choice movement was soon being crushed by the weight of so much pain, so much death, and so many ill-considered choices. Finally, she began to break. She found out that the real choice she had been burdened with was not about abortion but about eternal life. It was a choice that would shock the world and change Norma's life forever.
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