Spanked at the Club(BDSM, initiation, threesome, MMF, submission and domination, alpha male domination) by Samantha Cox
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Title: Spanked at the Club(BDSM, initiation, threesome, MMF, submission and domination, alpha male domination)
Author: Samantha Cox

Synopsis: After arguing with her jealous boyfriend, the seductive dancer Angi Coco` yields to the courtship of charming Antaeus and follows him into the prive` of the nightclub, where they will find unexpectedly the mysterious owner Alain La Chapelle. The innocent Angi discovers with surprise that the two contenders are plotting to seduce her in a very intimate and perverse game of initiation to BDSM. The two gay lovers will share with Angi a compelling demonstration of ménage à trois, which, at first reluctant, Angi will decide to join. She will turn out to be a lover of sexual submission and will fail to return to the monotony of a monogamous relationship. The beautiful dancer will dance from now on very different tracks.... * this erotic novel contains detailed written descriptions of sex in order to create sexual arousal in adult reader.