A History of Cycling in 100 Objects by Suze Clemitson

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Title: A History of Cycling in 100 Objects

Author: Suze Clemitson

A History of Cycling in 100 Objects

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Synopsis: A fascinating and quirky look at the history of cycling as seen through 100 objects that changed the bicycle as we know it. From the laufmachine to the Brompton, learn about the evolution of the bicycle from two wheeled toy of the aristocracy through to the boom years of the cycling revolution today. Find out why newspapers are so integral to the story of cycling, why the yellow jersey is yellow and why steak was so important to keep a ride comfortable back in the day. Taking one hundred objects that have been pivotal in the development of cycling and the bikes themselves, this book provides a fascinating insight into the history of cycling. From the earliest prototype bikes through to the speed machines we know today, it also covers key technological developments and the more esoteric - from the Arc de Triomphe and liquorice allsorts via ballbearings and Shimano gears. Beautifully documented with lively and insightful text, this is the perfect gift for the cyclist in your life, giving an alternative insight into the two wheeled revolution.
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