Understanding & Uplifting the Human Nature: How to Change Thoughts, Beliefs and Attitudes, while Predicting and Transforming the Future to Get Recognition and Become Wealthy by Robin Sacredfire
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Title: Understanding & Uplifting the Human Nature: How to Change Thoughts, Beliefs and Attitudes, while Predicting and Transforming the Future to Get Recognition and Become Wealthy
Author: Robin Sacredfire

Synopsis: There are many people in our world today trying to research about secret knowledge, secret societies, magic and mystical practices, in the quest for answers to their life. Others, search for the support and help of fortunetellers and their methods of divination. The law of attraction has brought this adventure, of finding answers to our existence, to a completely new level. Nevertheless, the vast majority, despite all the books read and gurus encountered, is still completely lost and without any clue to why things are the way they are. After decades dedicated to finding answers to all and every single life problem, including the meaning of life and death, I have achieved a ground of understanding that even I didn't believe to be possible. The ancient mystic schools that preceded the Knights Templar have shown, to a restrict group of people, a set of rules that interact in our world to transform reality. We can call it the gnostic mysteries of life. These gnostic mysteries have assumed different interpretations, according to the location where they were studied, becoming more popular in Greece, India and China.